Our Environment Policy
● Compliance with all national and international legislation and rules on the environment.
● Implementing, sustaining and developing an Environment Management System compliant to ISO 14001 in accordance with aims and objectives set.
● With the awareness that world resources are not infinite, going beyond legislation by taking necessary actions not as an obligation, but internalising it as a responsibility to leave a diligently safeguarded environment to the future.
● Building of technological and systematic infrastructure relating to consumption of resources such as electricity, water, paper and natural gas used in all premises.
● Devising environment-friendly technologies in all our operations, considering environment management a part of our business.
● Following encouraging and supportive policies in order to make our employees green consumers.
● Minimising environmental impact by enhancing our practices through existing and future investments.
● Disposing our wastes according to their qualities; promoting recycling and reuse; minimising pollution originating from our wastes.
● Ensuring efficient, productive, and minimum use of natural resources; and keeping up to date with all technological advancements to that end.
● Observing sustainable development and pollution prevention principles in our operations.
● Periodically inspecting and controlling environmental impacts of our operations.
● Organising training to raise environmental awareness of our employees and making them feel individually responsible.
Our Policies